Our history.


New Home General Baptist Church was organized July 18, 1916 under the name of Kinzer, with seven (7) Charter members. They were: Odell Burns, D.W. Dodson, O.D. Fann, Stella Fann, Ellis Gullege, W.F. Gullege and J .F. Owens. Brother J .W. Roberts was the first Pastor. Services were held in a small boarding house until the owner, W.D. Knoll, had to move the sawmill and house. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Baxter opened their home as a meeting place until further arrangements could be made. 

In April 1918, church members met at Baskey School #1. O.D. Fann and W.D. Knoll selected the building site, and a new church was constructed at the present location, with (26) twenty-six members. The name was changed to New Home General Baptist Church when services began in the new building. The name of the church was suggested by Bro. Knoll, symbolizing the congregational movement. From the early 1920's to the year 1952 there was no construction done at the church, but membership more than doubled.

During the next fifty years many changes came about to the structure, as a never ending building project began. In 1952 classrooms were added. On October 10, 1956 construction of a new building began. The first service was held in the new building in May of 1958. In 1962 the church added more classrooms, and kitchen facilities. In 1970 an addition was built to the front of the church, which gave room for a furnace and nursery, and brick and masonite siding was put on the outside of the building. In 1973 four classrooms and chairs were added, the floors were carpeted, and a new furnace was purchased. In 1976 four additional classrooms were added and a church van was purchased.

In 1980 two acres of land adjacent to the north side of our church was purchased at the Archie Hester Auction. In 1981 an addition was needed which enlarged the sanctuary and a growing new ministry which was started by the Pastor's wife, Shelbea Buhler. It was Junior Church. At this time a baptistery was added, along with new carpet and more pews. In 1983 and 1984 an addition of the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen with seating capacity of 175 to 200 and more classrooms were added. The nursing home ministry at Bluff Manor also began at that time and still continues today at The Manor.

Continued growth caused a need for a larger sanctuary, and in July 1994 it was enlarged 80 X 48 more feet. As always in the past, we again looked to the future and made plans to build. In July 2001 forty more feet was added to the sanctuary with a seating capacity of 350 to 400, a multi-purpose room, classrooms, new baptistery, and new kitchen was added. In January 3, 2002 we saw the demolition of the original building which made room for a larger parking lot. 

The Pastors were as follows:  J .W. Roberts, T.P. Harris, J .W. Gaines, Brother Baker, C.C. White, William Mangam, Tom Devine, J .H. Coats, W. Frank Wagster, N .G. Goldsmith, Elmer Wester, Oden Coats, John Wagster, Earl Millinger, Joe Reynolds, Wilson Henderson, Frank Richardson, Earl Coats, Noah Mitchell, H.D. Griffin, T.R. Tackett, Linuel Cravens, Wencil Kennedy, Nathan Jines, George Brown, Earnest Walton, Arzie Ezell, Woodrow Peck, Wayne Nattier, Dick Murray, Gerald Brown, Don Richman, Calvin Buhler, and in December 2019 Justin Benefiel.